Monday, September 13, 2010


Remember that time I thought, "Oh, yeah! I'll have plenty of time to blog once I'm teaching. And life will be so interest that everyone will want to read it."

My b.

Sorry I haven't blogged. It is not because things haven't happened. They have. Probably too many. In efforts to make up for my lack of posts, I shall try to compile a list of the highlights of the last three weeks.

1. My students are wonderful. All of them. I tell them all the time, "You are not my children, but you are my babies." I'm so proud of them. Everyday I come home and tell stories of what they did today.

2. Teaching is alot of work. The best work in the world. Why anyone has any other job, I have no idea. It's wonderful.

3. I joined a church.Houston's First BC. The Lord has answered so many questions by leading us roommates here. There is community, cross-generational interaction, gospel-centered message, exegetical teaching. It is wonderful. If you are in Houston, call me up and I'll take you with me to church. Bless the Lord.

4. I am no longer a gypsy. Alicia, Lauren and I got a house at the beginning of the month. We are moderately settled in (Things just move slower when you have adult lives). My stuff will be coming shortly!

5. I'm a bit sick. Sore throat, runny nose. Nothing that can't be overcome. But, should you read this, prayers would be appreciated.

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