Monday, September 13, 2010

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Learning

From time to time, I will post funny things my students have said.

"Miss Fergie, I need your help." Yes, a student actually called me Miss Fergie, as in Fergalicious.

"Miss, I've been trying to get into this story, but I can't." (It's not a story, it's a sermon.) "So that's why the main character is God.I've seen his name like 30 times."

"Miss, she love him like CANDY." -Response to Puritan poetry about a wife's love for her husband.

Teacher: I realize some of you have issues you'd like to discuss with me. If you have beef about your progress report, raise your hand, and I'll call you over to my desk to discuss."
Student: Beef? I got two pounds of beef with you.

Teacher: Draw two illustrations of imagery from your chart on Sinners in the hands of an Angry God.
Student: Is it okay to draw Satan looking like a girl from my first period? She wants to steal my boyfriend, so she's the devil.


Remember that time I thought, "Oh, yeah! I'll have plenty of time to blog once I'm teaching. And life will be so interest that everyone will want to read it."

My b.

Sorry I haven't blogged. It is not because things haven't happened. They have. Probably too many. In efforts to make up for my lack of posts, I shall try to compile a list of the highlights of the last three weeks.

1. My students are wonderful. All of them. I tell them all the time, "You are not my children, but you are my babies." I'm so proud of them. Everyday I come home and tell stories of what they did today.

2. Teaching is alot of work. The best work in the world. Why anyone has any other job, I have no idea. It's wonderful.

3. I joined a church.Houston's First BC. The Lord has answered so many questions by leading us roommates here. There is community, cross-generational interaction, gospel-centered message, exegetical teaching. It is wonderful. If you are in Houston, call me up and I'll take you with me to church. Bless the Lord.

4. I am no longer a gypsy. Alicia, Lauren and I got a house at the beginning of the month. We are moderately settled in (Things just move slower when you have adult lives). My stuff will be coming shortly!

5. I'm a bit sick. Sore throat, runny nose. Nothing that can't be overcome. But, should you read this, prayers would be appreciated.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Understanding By Design

These pictures are of what I like to call the rough draft of my classroom. I plan to improve and change it once my possession reside in the same town that I do. But! I like it for now!

Feast your eyes on the beauty of 8024.

To Those Unfortunate Enough to Find These Words,

Hello. I am have waited for weeks to make this blog because I couldn't think of a title or a gimmick. I even asked for advice. No one thought it was necessary. I kept trying to think of ways to steady or focus for my writing, but finally I just kept thinking, I wish I could blog about this. So, I thought I need to just say what I would say. we are.
I will blog what I feel like blogging- many thoughts and expressions my friends have been subjected to for years are now accessible to the world wide web. Of course, I assume the viewers of this blog will be those sad souls who must listen to my rantings. That assumes they can find this blog. Here's to hoping.
So, if you've made it this far: Welcome. I'm looking forward to conversing with you.

Monday, February 2, 2009

When you see my face, I don't hope it gives you anything

I mean no disrespect to the All-American Rejects. When I first heard the song, I liked it alot. In fact, I can see be heard admiring its catchiness. Everyone who feels unjustly dumped, or left by a friend, or even just basking in a moment of angst - the lyrics and bouncy tune could get anyone shouting in their car with the windows down.

And, you know, being an Aggie, saying "hell" in context no longer sends this tinge of guilt up my spine. I think that sensation's exodus has something to do with the fact I often yell it with 86,000 of my closest friends.

Also, my trysts with the opposite sex are somewhat more than limited, the song in question is the perfect unrequited insult to hurl at someone who doesn't know you're singing at them. Me and every sixteen year old girl on the planet can relate to this hormonal reaction to pop music.

But, then the Holy Spirit began speaking to my soul. Why wish ill on someone who expending little to no energy on you? What do I gain from anyone else's hurt? Why should I want to?

I think this is the first of many chats Christ and I are going to have about culture, its role within my life, and my role within its world.

Just trying to figure out in and not of,

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's the little things

So, lately I have noticed there are little, seemingly inconsequential, things in life that can make or break a day. Today I'm choosing to forget all the little breakers and focus on the little makers of great days. I am compiling a small list for your enjoyment. I'd love to hear what would make your list
  • The sound that high heels make
  • A wink (when used appropriately)
  • Inside jokes
  • When a little kid recognizes you and smiles
  • Knowing someone in class on the first day
  • Flowers, in general
  • An unexpected gift
  • Gangsta talk
  • Sunshiney/Cold days
  • Rain
  • The stillness of stargazing nights
  • Songs that get stuck in your head
  • Chance meetings with old friends
  • Chance meetings with new friends
  • Knowing when you meet someone they are going to be your friend
  • Puns
  • Well placed sarcasm
  • The color yellow
  • Sherbet
  • QT
  • Cheesy romantic comedies
  • Quoting lines from movies in everyday conversations
  • Hugs
Maybe there are more. But, I'm going to enjoy today with these things in mind. May the Lord bless you in the little things.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Feels good to be a gangsta.

We gathered together a gang of thugs over the course of the ski trip 2k8. I thought I would offer to the general public my qualifications for being named "4:30 Dirty"

  • The idea of "4:30" is from the placement a hat, ponytail, scarf, or hoodie.
  • My skin is darker than the others.
  • The term "dirty Mexican" is not altogether original.

This is my father. Clearly, gangsta coolness runs in my blood.

Perchance, I will add my myriad of qualifications later. These will suffice until then.